
  • "I have come in here feeling horrible, and when I leave I feel encouraged. They really listen to what your needs are."

    — Larissa

  • "I like the dedication to the communities, the willingness to help without judgement, the resources you have to offer to South Siskiyou residents, and the wonderful smiles on your faces when people ask for help."

    — Dunsmuir Parent

  • "I enjoy the Weed Senior Exercise and Lunch program because it helps get me out of the house while socializing with my peers and having fun. I greatly appreciate and value the program and the Resource Center. The workers and helpers do a great job working with the seniors."

    — F.N.

“I really enjoy the parenting classes the Family and Community Resource Center of Weed provides. They are fun and helpful. I can't wait for Covid-19 to go away and have in-person classes again. The Resource Center helped my children to receive Dolly Parton Imagination Library books every month in the mail. They love them. My youngest still gets them. I'm glad the Resource Center is here. You are a big help to families. Meghan McCabe”

— Meghan McCabe


“Social determinants, such as housing, clothing, or food insecurities, affect overall health. Partnerships between our clinics and local community resource centers help us further our mission, which is to build a healthy community and improve the individual health, well-being, and quality of life for everyone”

— James S. Proffitt, CHFP - Chief Executive Officer - Shasta Cascade Health Centers (Dunsmuir and McCloud)


Thank you letter to HUB Communities Family Resource Center:
Dear Kati & Toby,
We would like to express our deep appreciation for all you both did for us and it has enhanced our lives and relationship. We have expressed our gratitude for being thankful for your valuable program. We made extensive notes and copied the slide program to refresh us.
We love how you both worked toward our goals; you have changed both our lives. First 5 Siskiyou, the local HUBS in in our small communities are a tremendous asset. We recommend this to all ages of people. We would encourage and love your program. We thank you for endless, dedicated hours of service to your community.

-With Deep Gratitude, we thank you so much.

“We are so very fortunate to have several Community Resource Centers. For many people in rural areas like Siskiyou County, the Centers are their only resource for physical and or emotional support. The Centers are more crucial than ever with the increased difficulties for families due to covid-19. I am continually impressed by the quick and thoughtful and changes that the centers have made in response to the rise in our communities' needs. Along with continuing to meet the basic physical needs they supply up to date information online about covid-19 and include some fun activities for children and their families and ways to stay emotionally and physically healthy during this crisis. They are also continuing their support for families with virtual classes for parents. I am grateful for these Centers in Siskiyou County and the positive impact they have on the families in our communities.”

— Laura Savolainen


"The relationship and ongoing collaboration between Dunsmuir High School, the Dunsmuir Community Resource Center and First 5 Siskiyou is absolutely connected through the family. The outreach and necessity for educational, social and emotional growth has been and continues to be a tremendous need in our community. The consistent projects and development of educational programs for our students and their families is one of the most important alliances that we have. The Resource Center offers this viable outreach and guidance for the families of our students."

— Ray Keller - Superintendent/Principal - Dunsmuir High School

Success Stories



I would like to introduce you to Tim Hoag, Tim came to the grant funded HEAP program (Homeless Emergency Assistance Program) in May 2020. Tim was living with his best friend a 2yr old pit bull named Herbie inside a shed on a friend's property. Life had gotten tough and many things spiraled out of control. The road has been long with several obstacles but each day Tim shows up and puts in the work to make positive changes in his life. To date we have been able to put a secure roof over Tim's head that allows for a peace of mind to be able to conquer the many other tasks. Tim has been diagnosed with several health issues that cause him to be in constant pain. Through our program we have been able to continue progress medically with transportation to all Doctor’s appointments and physical therapy, and the funding has allowed for him to obtain his birth certificate to open the door to receive his ID so that he may now qualify for other benefits. Sometimes a hand up with a support system is all someone needs to succeed. Update for 2021, Tim is now working for the AARP program in our thrift store!

-Curtessa Martinez
Case manager- HEAP


George, Age 3

One of our dads was concerned because his son wasn't playing with the other children at an event, and he expressed his concerns. So our Early Childhood Specialist did an Ages and Stages Questionnaire with him and found no concerns, but did share some games they could play that would encourage language. The next time we saw this family, dad was grinning from ear to ear, and his son was very social and engaged very excitedly with the other children present. This was a very powerful example of what the Ages and Stages Questionnaire is all about, from discovering early delays, to assuaging parent's concerns and giving them tools to work with.