
Join the team of inspiring volunteers!

Why volunteer?

  • helps you stay physically and mentally healthier

  • provides a sense of purpose.

Want to learn more?

Contact us to learn about ways you can share your skills with the Siskiyou County Resource Collaborative.

Why I volunteer with the SCRC…

“It helps our community. I love working with people & it makes me have a good day & I hope it does for others.”

— Nancy

“I volunteer for God and my country. I can help people and support the Resource Centers”

— Elmer (7 year volunteer!)

“It's very rewarding and fun, and a wonderful community resource!”

— Debbie Nilsson

- We enjoy the regular contact with people from another community

 -Like getting out of ourselves and being of service to others

- Have always volunteered and like the team spirit of working as part of a contribution to fill a need

- Being of service helps me feel part of the oneness of humanity

- I always feel better after the two hours of serving senior lunches, open hearted and refreshed

- We frequently receive individual thanks for our service

-  It feels like a privilege to be let into other people’s lives to be of service

— Carolyn & Dale

I have been a volunteer in one form or another for the past 60 years. I guess I’m a child of the JFKennedy era when we learned that helping others by giving of ourselves was important and incredibly rewarding. I have gained as much (or more) from each volunteer experience as the people or organization with which I volunteered. And my most recent experience, volunteering for the Siskiyou Community Resource Centers at the Family and Community Resource Center of Weed is no exception. This is a wonderful group of people to work with and I hope to continue doing it for a long time.

— Karen Ziegler

"I love volunteering at the Community Resource Centers because it's fun. Everyone is kind and friendly and fun to work with. They do such a great job helping people in our community. I feel privileged to be able to be a part of all the good work they do."

— Carol K